Ο GrandMaster HackySacker Derrick Fogle, μέλος του Footbag Hall of Fame είναι ο ορισμός της έννοιας Do Your Thing και της αφοσίωσης στο πάθος του.
Πριν λίγο καιρό συμπλήρωσε 60 περιστροφές γύρω απο τον ήλιο και το Hacky sack είναι κομμάτι της ζωής του από το (μακρινό) καλοκαίρι του 1980.
Η χορογραφία του footbag freestyle πάνω στο beat, όπως και στο yoyoing, είναι ένας από τους λόγους που κάνουν αυτά τα αθλητικά παιχνίδια/χόμπι τόσο ευχάριστα και στο κοινό. Είναι μια μορφή τέχνης που σε κάνει να θαυμάζεις το υψηλό επίπεδο τεχνικής που αποκτά ο παίκτης με την συστηματική εξάσκηση και την αφοσίωση του.
Τα παιχνίδια αυτά είναι εργαλεία καλής ζωής: Σε βοηθούν να διασκεδάζεις και συγχρόνως να βελτιώνεσαι. Να διατηρείς χαρούμενο το σώμα και το μυαλό!
I first kicked a footbag in the summer of 1980. I was going to a party in the mountain community of Dillon, Colorado with my older brother. There was a circle of people outside the house kicking something around, laughing, spilling a little beer on each other, you get the idea.
I asked them what the heck they were doing, and they invited me to join in. I was terrible when I first started! I might have actually kicked the bag 3 or 4 times that evening, but I had a blast and nobody ever told me I sucked or tried to get me to leave the circle. There seemed to be all levels of kickers there, and everybody cooperated to keep the bag off the ground. I was hooked. I just HAD to get better so I could hold my own in the hacky circles.
There was only one kind of Hacky Sack available back then, and they were pretty expensive. At first, I kicked with the roundest smallish rocks I could find (this was the Colorado mountains). After I saved up a few bucks, I bought my first real Hacky Sack and kept trying. It took me a while – I wasn’t very coordinated when I started – but I kept at it, eventually catching up with my brother.
Then I headed back to Lawrence, KS where I went to school. I was one of the first people to ever bring a Hacky Sack into Lawrence High School. Of course, I got a few of my friends hooked on it, and we hacked every day during lunch. I would kick every day after school, finding lit tennis courts at night, sneaking into the school gym during lunch in the winter, almost anything to get a chance to “Hack the Sack.” footbag.org
“I learned how much hard work it took to be successful and stay that way,” he said. “The truth is it’s not going to do something for everyone, but everyone needs to find something like that in their life. That’s awesome.” columbiamissourian.com
Το Top 10 (+1) Music Playlist του Derrick
“OK, I ended up with 11 because I wanted to include all 3 of the “choreography challenge” tunes I work on, and this is just a subset of my main Hackysack playlist. I’ll do anything with a beat I can kick to. Anyway…“
- Eat Sleep Rave Repeat (feat.Beaerdyman) Calvin Harris Radio Edition This is my go-to song for live performances like BBall halftime shows. Clean, great for starting choreography
- Do Your Thing – Basement Jaxx This. Video’s. song. How could I not like it? I’m DOING MY THING!
- Horizon – Pigeons Playing Ping Pong Fantastic long “groove” song. One of my best, longest rallies ever (6 minutes!) to this song!
5. Swamp Thing, Southern Comfort Mix – The Grid Another great long groove tune, love trying to follow the banjo work with tricks
6. Stop the Rock – Apollo 440 Perfect song to PUMP ME UP!
7. Weekapaug Groove – Phish Another sweet long groove song
8. Working Man – Rush Another top “Adrenaline Pusher” tune.
9. Salad Dressing – Borgore, Bella Thorne Super hard choreography challenge to be able to do toe moves to the “in the salad” and cross-body or outside to “on the side”
10. Harder Better Faster Stronger – Daft Punk Another choreography challenge to be able to pull off a series of tricks then hit all the “Ding Ding Dings” in time with knee kicks
11. Drop it Low – Kat Deluna Another specific choreography challenge to hit a series of low toe stall (drop it low), a couple big knee kicks (pop it up), to an osis (turn it ’round)
Τι είναι το Footbag ή Hacky sack;
Footbag ή Hacky sack: Το απόλυτα εθιστικό αθλητικό παιχνίδι