
Το SUNRiSE είναι αποτέλεσμα συνεργασίας του 5 φορές πρωταθλητή Ευρώπης Dave Geigle, του Bill de Boisblanc, ενός μύθου του yoyoing (παίζει και συμμετέχει σε διαγωνισμούς από τις αρχές του 1950, 3 φορές πρωταθλητής κόσμου, μέλος της YoYoJam κ.α.) και της γνωστής YoYoFactory.

Για τα νέα looping tricks αλλά και για τα old school yo-yo tricks, το SUNRiSE έχει τόσο καλό έλεγχο που μπορεί κάθε αρχάριος να τα πετύχει πιο γρήγορα. Το προτείνουμε.

Pro tip: To κορδόνι για looping tricks είναι καλύτερα να το έχεις πιο κοντό από ότι σε άλλα play styles. Η θηλειά θα πρέπει να είναι περίπου στο ύψος που ξεκινά η τσέπη του πανελονιού σου.

iYoYo SUNRiSE Looping YoYo (Dave Geigle x Bill de Boisblanc x YYF)

With iYoYo, I have created almost everything yoyo-related you can think of – From beginner plastic yo-yos to custom bearings, strings, pads, holders, bags… Even high-end bi-tanium yo-yos. Really almost everything.

But one thing bugged me: I did not have a 2A yo-yo in my lineup. As a passionate 2A player, this just felt wrong, all the time. And it’s not that we didn’t try. I had a few different samples machined, even came up with a way to machine starbursts, since investing ~15,000 USD in a mold and the first run of yo-yos would not be feasible as a smaller brand.

None of the samples played the way I wanted it.

Sometimes life can consist of funny coincidences though… When I sat at breakfast during Worlds 2018 with YoYoFactory-employee Ben McPhee, I got an e-mail from my long-time YoYoJam friend, mentor, and fellow Sunset-Signature-Partner Bill de Boisblanc. He had hand-machined a few spacers that would fit the YoYoJam Sunset sized bearings into a Loop720 and suggested I try to make them. Ben thought the idea was worth picking up.

Fast forward a year later, a few prototypes later I can proudly present to you: The SUNRiSE!

SUNRiSE is based on the YoYoFactory Loop 720’s shape with custom YYJ-sized bearing and spacers. The play is super controllable and slightly bouncy at the end of the string. It plays much faster than you’d expect and has a excellent spin, long enough for any combo I can think of.

I’m more than happy I can finally check “Make a great 2A YoYo” off my wishlist for iYoYo and I can’t wait to hear what the players have to say about the SUNRiSE!



Η συλλογή της Γερμανικής iYoYo στην Ελλάδα. Η iYoYo είναι δημιουργία του 5x Ευρωπαίου πρωταθλητή Dave Geigle. iYoYo is the brand of European Champion Dave Geigle - aiming to "create yo-yos with top-notch quality at reasonable, fair and afforable prices. We want to see iYoYo in the hands of as many people as we can, not just in those of the wealthiest." No matter if you are a collector or competitor, old-school vintage yo-yo fan or new school, professional or beginner: iYoYo is your yo-yo - or as we Germans say: Dein YoYo.